Monday 28 May 2012

Mania w dzieciństwie:) Z siostrą Olą i mamą Beatą.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

What if I was an advisor of Bolesław Krzywousty:)

When I was thinking about what I would like to change, especially in the Polish reality, I realized that I would like people to be more tolerant toward those who have different beliefs and ideas, basically I hope that one day Poland won’t be divided according to for whom you vote. So I thought when it has all started: when we became so sharply divided for the first time? My (probably a far-fetched) answer is: during the XIII century, at which time Bolesław Krzywousty has divided Poland into several districts! Ok, but you could ask me – even if I was able to move in time to the thirteenth century what would I do? Hmm, probably I will just use one of my many talents J and try to convince the venerable king not to divide his country…I would show him how in the course of history Poles, maybe unconsciously affected by his decision, tended to split, to waste time on ideological discussions instead of fighting together to protect and develop their native home. Bolesław would surely change his opinion and, who knows, maybe it would really change our nation to be more solidary and co-operative. 

Thursday 22 March 2012

My inspirations
During difficult time of growing up two things helped me to find my identity.Firstly: music. Listening to the old psychodelic rock created by Marillion inspired me to find who I am really are. As a teenager I was rather shy and I didn'tt have many friends I really liked. Finding music that was also  different from what was popular made me realize that you do not have to be popular to be great. Later, it also allowed me to find people who liked the same bands and finally feel a part of a group.
Secondly, literature. As a teenager I read Gombrowicz's books and they were a real discovery for me: they changed the way I looked at the world: I realized how much people are influenced by the society, by expectations of others and by their own ideas of how they should look and behave in certain situations. It was an inspiration for me to, again, not be afraid of finding my own way, to throw the mask away and be who I really want to:)

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Knowing a second language

According to an article from The Observer less and less British learn second language now. I agree with the author that it really is a pity. Knowing only one language restricts your thinking: you do not realize that there is more to feel and say than your language allows you to. For me, it should not be all about mastering as much languages as possible, because as humans we have own limitations. Even learning just the basics of the other lg enriches your ability to perceive the world, which is so complex that to describe it you need to learn through you whole life and you never will be able to tell enough. Moreover, knowing 2nd lg allows a deeper reflection on one's mother tongue. For all those reasons, I am strongly convinced that foreign lgs should be even  in the core curriculum of the Brits.

You may find the article here:Observer's article

Wednesday 15 February 2012

A great song
Hi I am Martyna
I like all kinds of sweets
I like reading literature
I like going to the cinema
I don't like getting up too early
my favourite song